by Scott Mathias CHHC.AADP Part 1 - Introduction  'As the world enters into a new phase of Human existence, living dynamics are changing daily. Giving thought to this change is critical, not only to the survival of the Human but also to the veneration and support for th...
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by Scott Mathias CHHC. AADP A genuinely safe and happy workplace for company participants reflects a positive bottomline. Easier said than achieved as many of you will know but in these times the health of your company across the board is paramount. The principles of persona...
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Press Release 18th August, 2021 The demand for good quality media content is high as ‘CV-19 worn’ journalists are seeking fresh angles on how your product or service offering can help people during these times. Raising your SME profile through the media has never been mo...
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by Scott Mathias CHHC. AADP You are the sum total of your combined life experiences! You began as a blank canvas and over the years of your experience on Earth have garnered precious jewels of information and knowledge related not just to your time here but more specifically...
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New Zealand small businesses are defined as those with fewer than 20 employees. There were nearly 530,000 small businesses in New Zealand representing 97% of all firms. They accounted for 28 per cent of employment and contribute over a quarter of New Zealand’s gross d...
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Everywhere in nature there are illustrations of collaborative relationships. A few days ago I was 'willing' a bee or bees to heavily pollinate my broad bean flowers. Sure enough each day since a single bee has hovered about the wine coloured flowers of my broad beans moving ...
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A magical night marking the 50th anniversary of my own speaking success in the Rotorua Rotary Clubs annual intercollegiate Speech contest held recently. Yours truly with 2021 winner Miguel Manaig, who arrived from the Philippines just 16-months ago with Rotorua Boys High Sch...
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